Help Sebastian!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We received another $20 dollar donation today from the Starchild Family!!

This is their message:

Lots of love to the magical Sebastian from Beta, Sandy, and Woolerz Starchild. You're doing a fantastic job of keeping us updated about Sebastian's progress.

Thank you so very much, Beta, Sandy, and Woolerz! Sebastian sends his love to you and is most thankful for your wonderful love!

We're allocating funds for each of Sebastian's needs-- we want to ensure everything he needs is covered. Your wonderful contribution will go directly to Sebastian's upcoming skin-scraping in 2.5 weeks. The scraping will be analyzed by the vet to see if any mange is still present. If he's totally clear then he doesn't need any more baths and his neutering can come 2 weeks sooner than expected. We will continue to keep you updated about his progress! 

Again, thank you sooo much for your generosity and kindness, dear hearts! You are official Sebastian angels!! :D



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