Help Sebastian!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

It's been exactly 3 weeks  since Sebastian was rescued from the pound!



In 3 week's time Sebastian has begun medical treatment and has begun recuperating marvelously thanks to the help of ALL the people who have donated and spread the word about this sweet Husky's plight.

  What a difference from the 1st to the 2nd picture above, right?... And, he is bound to get even better! 

Here's Sebastian's Bill of Health thus far:

Ear Infection: Clearing up well; 1/4 tube of antibiotic ointment left!

Infected Skin Lesions: Closed and healed! All oral antibiotics are done!

Tapeworm: Gone!

Rabies Vaccine: Done!

Allergies: Under control w/ an antihistamine given 2x daily!

Low Weight: Has gained 2.5 lbs! He's eating high quality food & 
getting daily multivitamins-- plus treats!

Hematoma: Aspirated and has not returned yet! We're being extra 
gentle with his ear and hoping the pricey surgery is not needed!

Demodectic Mange: 3 out of 8 medicated baths & injections completed. A very positive change is already visible in his skin!

Neutering: To be completed 2 - 3 weeks after his baths are over. Waiting will ensure his immune system can endure surgery.

The estimate for Sebastian's medical care is $1,040+.

Our goal is to raise at least $900 for Sebastian's medical care alone. 

Thus far, we have been able to raise $633 from amazingly compassionate coworkers, friends, relatives, and friends of friends! 

We ask that you, please, continue to forward Sebastian's blog address through as many social mediums as you can!

We're only $277 away from our base goal!

More receipts and estimates to come for transparency!

Sending all of you sincere love & deep appreciation!

      Thank you!

Julie & Sebastian

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