Help Sebastian!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sebastian got his 3rd Mitaban bath and Ivromectin injection! He did really well and looked much better when he was ready to be picked up at the end of the day. :)

It is really evident that his skin is getting better. The scaly, dry skin is gone from the bald spots and in its place you he has soft skin that almost feels moisturized!  His legs and chest are also no longer red, and his newly sprouted hairs are visible to non-trained eyes. :)

 He was in such a playful mood after getting back from the vet. He enjoyed some love under the flickering shade in the yard. :)

Look at him here! Sebastian has such a puppy attitude sometimes! He truly is so lovable and silly. :)

Here's a little handshake with his beautiful enormous paw...

Someone is dozing off.... :) How wonderful it must feel to not have the itchies anymore!

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