Help Sebastian!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

We are overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people that have donated to Sebastian's cause within the past few days! We are deeply touched by your support and are overjoyed to know that people like you exist out there! 

We want to extend infinite thanks to:

Jaime W. for your spectacular donation of $50! Thank you for supporting Sebastian as he journeys toward good health and a forever home!  If Sebastian were near you he would snuggle up to you and put his paw on your heart!

Lea S. for your bountiful donation of $20! We appreciate your loving support with every inch of our hearts! Sebastian will forever know your name in his doggy soul!

Griselda G. for your amazing donation of $60! You are a true angel and such a blessing to Sebastian! Thank you for loving Husky's the way you do and for rescuing animals in need yourself!

Erin L. for your most generous donation of $10! Thank you so much for believing in the need to save homeless animals and for supporting sweet Sebastian in his healing! An excited tail wag from Sebastian to you!

Julie K. for your bountiful donation of $20! We appreciate your kindness so much! You are a gift to Sebastian! Please imagine him looking into your eyes and saying, in his doggy whisper, "Thank you for giving me a chance. Thank you for saving my life!"

Ebru G. for your most generous donation of $10! You are a wonderful woman with the dearest soul! Thank you as well for offering to foster Sebastian in your home for a month! Sebastian will thank you in person!

Julie C. from The Pepper Foundation for collecting $35 more dollars for Sebastian's cause! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to ensure that Sebastian is on his way to health and stability! Please send our heartfelt thanks to those that donated on your end! Wishing you and your own animals in need the best!

All of you are beyond wonderful! Thank you for your compassion and understanding, thank you for loving animals and believing in beautiful Sebastian! You are making this happen for Sebastian, you are saving his life and giving him the chance he deserves!

Sending so much love to all of you!

             Julie Hernandez

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