Help Sebastian!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

We have received 2 more super generous donations from a pair of big-hearted people!!!

Thank you, Cuban Jon, for your donation of $50!! You are simply the best and I cannot thank you enough for shining your compassion onto sweet Sebastian. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jon, for your generous support!!

Thank you, Barbara M., for your donation of $88!!! Your loving gesture truly means the world to us! We immensely thank you for helping Sebastian regain his health and increasing his chances of being adopted by a loving family soon! You are wonderful!

Jon & Barbara, your combined contribution amount will cover the cost of Sebastian's weekly medicated skin treatment & injection tomorrow, 7/13! It will also pay for the Rabies vaccine he will get in the next few days at a low-cost clinic. Any amount left over will help complete the cost of his upcoming procedures!

Sending you two hugs full of loving gratefulness!!

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