Help Sebastian!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Please help Sebastian receive the medical care that he needs so he can find a forever home ASAP.
Donating is done via PayPal by clicking the donate button above!

We're trying to raise at least $900 so he can:

- Get rid of his severe mange (he has major hair loss, infected skin lesions, and leathery skin)
- Get to a healthy weight (he is 30+ lbs. underweight, you can see the shape of his hips, ribs, and spine)
- Get rid of his ear infection in both ears
- Get rid of his tapeworm
- Get neutered

Any amount helps! $1, $2, $5--- anything! I will soon post up the vet's estimate and bills so that all of you can have peace of mind that Sebastian's cause is indeed urgent and true!

I'll also post pictures of his progress so you can keep track of his recuperation and where you have helped him get to with your donation. :)

In advance, I thank you for your compassion and kindess! Sebastian thanks you for helping save his life and allowing him to live his last years in good health.

With so much love!

Julie (Jheuli) & Sebastian

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