Help Sebastian!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hooorayyy!! We have received 3 donations!!! :D

Thank you, Brett B., for your generous donation of $10 on July 5, 2012! Your message was:

You are very sweet for helping Sebastian. Sending good vibes your way. :) -Brett

Brett, you're even sweeter. Thank you for having a such a compassionate heart!!

Thank you, Julie Chadwick, from the Pepper Foundation for donating $100 to Sebastian's cause on July 6, 2012! Thank you also for networking Sebastian on your end so that more people could know about his plight! Everyone, he is named Magic on Julie's Facebook page site because we couldn't decide on a name on July 4th, but his official name is Sebastian as the vet bills show! Julie will notify everyone on her Facebook page that his name is is possible that she'll label him as Magic Sebastian so people don't get too confused. :) I'll post any donations Julie C.  passes on to Sebastian's cause on this site so we can all keep track of Sebastian's piggybank together! Thank you, again, Julie!

Thank you, Claudia C., for your loving donation of $10 on July 7, 2012! Thank you for believing in second chances, old dogs, and that animals are important! Sending blessings your way!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! From Sebastian & I! Receipts from the vet and all additional expenses to come for total transparency! Sending everyone much love!

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