Help Sebastian!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tomorrow, Saturday, 7/27, Sebastian will go for his 4th Mitaban bath & Ivromectin shot! :D

I'll have the vet check his weight again, too. Hopefully, he's gained more pounds!

Also, all the businesses on my block will be having a collective party tomorrow afternoon. The streets will be packed with people. Therefore, I am posting Adopt Sebastian! flyers on all street posts here so pedestrians can know about our little angel. Three super kind business owners agreed to put up a small tent flyer on their counter so people can be sure to see Sebastian's information! :) Wish Sebastian luck! May a wonderful adopter's heart be melted by Sebastian's plight tomorrow! I'll keep you posted!

Here's Sebastian on tour around the neighborhood! He really loves to be out. He knows what the jingle-jangle of the leash means because as soon as he hears it he gets excited and comes straight over to be buckled! :)


He always stops to smell
 the flowers.... :)

...And, to check some doggy messages...

Sebastian would do so well in a home where he gets daily walks. Although he's 10 years old, Sebastian has the energy and spirit of a 5 - 6 year old. He truly enjoys quick jogging and has a spunky, silly, and active spirit. He's a dear! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We received another $20 dollar donation today from the Starchild Family!!

This is their message:

Lots of love to the magical Sebastian from Beta, Sandy, and Woolerz Starchild. You're doing a fantastic job of keeping us updated about Sebastian's progress.

Thank you so very much, Beta, Sandy, and Woolerz! Sebastian sends his love to you and is most thankful for your wonderful love!

We're allocating funds for each of Sebastian's needs-- we want to ensure everything he needs is covered. Your wonderful contribution will go directly to Sebastian's upcoming skin-scraping in 2.5 weeks. The scraping will be analyzed by the vet to see if any mange is still present. If he's totally clear then he doesn't need any more baths and his neutering can come 2 weeks sooner than expected. We will continue to keep you updated about his progress! 

Again, thank you sooo much for your generosity and kindness, dear hearts! You are official Sebastian angels!! :D



Monday, July 23, 2012

It's been exactly 3 weeks  since Sebastian was rescued from the pound!



In 3 week's time Sebastian has begun medical treatment and has begun recuperating marvelously thanks to the help of ALL the people who have donated and spread the word about this sweet Husky's plight.

  What a difference from the 1st to the 2nd picture above, right?... And, he is bound to get even better! 

Here's Sebastian's Bill of Health thus far:

Ear Infection: Clearing up well; 1/4 tube of antibiotic ointment left!

Infected Skin Lesions: Closed and healed! All oral antibiotics are done!

Tapeworm: Gone!

Rabies Vaccine: Done!

Allergies: Under control w/ an antihistamine given 2x daily!

Low Weight: Has gained 2.5 lbs! He's eating high quality food & 
getting daily multivitamins-- plus treats!

Hematoma: Aspirated and has not returned yet! We're being extra 
gentle with his ear and hoping the pricey surgery is not needed!

Demodectic Mange: 3 out of 8 medicated baths & injections completed. A very positive change is already visible in his skin!

Neutering: To be completed 2 - 3 weeks after his baths are over. Waiting will ensure his immune system can endure surgery.

The estimate for Sebastian's medical care is $1,040+.

Our goal is to raise at least $900 for Sebastian's medical care alone. 

Thus far, we have been able to raise $633 from amazingly compassionate coworkers, friends, relatives, and friends of friends! 

We ask that you, please, continue to forward Sebastian's blog address through as many social mediums as you can!

We're only $277 away from our base goal!

More receipts and estimates to come for transparency!

Sending all of you sincere love & deep appreciation!

      Thank you!

Julie & Sebastian

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sebastian got his 3rd Mitaban bath and Ivromectin injection! He did really well and looked much better when he was ready to be picked up at the end of the day. :)

It is really evident that his skin is getting better. The scaly, dry skin is gone from the bald spots and in its place you he has soft skin that almost feels moisturized!  His legs and chest are also no longer red, and his newly sprouted hairs are visible to non-trained eyes. :)

 He was in such a playful mood after getting back from the vet. He enjoyed some love under the flickering shade in the yard. :)

Look at him here! Sebastian has such a puppy attitude sometimes! He truly is so lovable and silly. :)

Here's a little handshake with his beautiful enormous paw...

Someone is dozing off.... :) How wonderful it must feel to not have the itchies anymore!

Sebastian received another donation! Wooohooo! Russell J., thank you soooo very much for your wonderful contribution of $20!!! This money will go directly into Sebastian's neutering & hematoma surgery fund!

The surgery will be completed 2-3 weeks after his skin treatment is done. We'll have to wait those few weeks to ensure Sebastian's immune system is strong enough to recuperate from such incisions. Infinite thanks to you, Russell, for having such a generous, kind heart and for caring for sweet Sebastian! May the Karma be returned to you ten thousand-fold! :)

BTW- Your check memo made us smile & chuckle! Sebastian the Wonder Dog is truly the perfect name for him!! :D
Sebastian has a Rabies Certificate now! He got his Rabies vaccine in a little hospital near his foster home for $10! We were originally quoted $40, but I scavenged to find a cheaper place-- out of respect for donors' contributions and in an effort to wisely manage his limited budget!

Sebastian didn't even flinch when the injection was administered. He's such a good doggy! :D
Thank you,wonderful donors, for helping out sweet Sebastian!! :)

Robert, Sebastian's current foster parent, received a $75 for Sebastian from Gwen & Andrew! Gwen & Andrew, thank you sooooooo much for your immensely generous donation! You really are wonderful and are the reason Sebastian will get better. You are truly angels in Sebastian's life.... Lots of great Karma and divine blessings your way as well! Thank you!!!! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sebastian has gained 2 pounds so far! His ear infection is getting better and he loves going for jogs and walks around the neighborhood!

 Sebastian is definitely not an alpha dog. He absolutely loves other dogs. On our jogs/walks we've encountered various aggressive dogs protecting their yard. In response, Sebastian has simply run faster to get away from the issue-- No growling, barking, or hesitation! He's a total love...

I'm trying to train Sebastian how to walk on a leash. So far,  if I keep the leash short he trots and runs right beside me following my pace! It's amazing how youthful his energy is and how smart he has shown to be... Good job, Sebastian! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Breaking News! 

  • Sebastian took a visit to the vet on Saturday, 7/14, for his 2nd weekly Mitaban bath and Ivromectin shot. Two baths down, 6 to go! Sebastian already has a few itty bitty hairs starting to peek out of his bald spots, too! Yay for hair! :)

  • We have received 3 more donations to cover Sebastian's next weekly medicated bath and shot!              Thank you so much, Ebru, for spreading the word to your fabulous friends about our great need for donations!

  • Thank you, Nesli, for your jaw-dropping donation of $50!! Sebastian & I are most grateful to you, dear heart! Sebastian will get a chance to say thank you in person later this week! Get ready for a cascade of love! :)

  • Thank you, Kagan, for helping Sebastian with your generous donation of $10! Ebru told me that you and your family love dogs. Thank you for caring about this special dog and giving him your support! You are wonderful!!

  • Thank you, Orkide, for gifting Sebastian with a most wonderful contribution of $15! Thanks for understanding Sebastian's plight and helping him get back to health so he can have a loving family soon. You really are spectacular!!

  • Can anyone out there foster Sebastian for some time beginning 7/24? Please let me know! The more stable and long term his environment is the better. It's preferred for him to be fostered through September 1st, but we totally understand if it can only be for a week or two. We have everything for him, all you need to do is fill his bowls, keep him safe, walk him (preferably daily for 20 - 30 minutes), and give him lots of company and love. I assure you he will be very loving. He is great with other dogs, too! Please get a hold of us as soon as you can. It's a bit urgent...

Thank you all so much for accompanying Sebastian on his journey to a forever, loving home! Please, please, please spread his story when you get a chance. You never know where his new parents could be! :)

Love to you all!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Please help Sebastian receive the medical care that he needs so he can find a forever home ASAP.
Donating is done via PayPal by clicking the donate button above!

We're trying to raise at least $900 so he can:

- Get rid of his severe mange (he has major hair loss, infected skin lesions, and leathery skin)
- Get to a healthy weight (he is 30+ lbs. underweight, you can see the shape of his hips, ribs, and spine)
- Get rid of his ear infection in both ears
- Get rid of his tapeworm
- Get neutered

Any amount helps! $1, $2, $5--- anything! I will soon post up the vet's estimate and bills so that all of you can have peace of mind that Sebastian's cause is indeed urgent and true!

I'll also post pictures of his progress so you can keep track of his recuperation and where you have helped him get to with your donation. :)

In advance, I thank you for your compassion and kindess! Sebastian thanks you for helping save his life and allowing him to live his last years in good health.

With so much love!

Julie (Jheuli) & Sebastian

Thursday, July 12, 2012

We have received 2 more super generous donations from a pair of big-hearted people!!!

Thank you, Cuban Jon, for your donation of $50!! You are simply the best and I cannot thank you enough for shining your compassion onto sweet Sebastian. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jon, for your generous support!!

Thank you, Barbara M., for your donation of $88!!! Your loving gesture truly means the world to us! We immensely thank you for helping Sebastian regain his health and increasing his chances of being adopted by a loving family soon! You are wonderful!

Jon & Barbara, your combined contribution amount will cover the cost of Sebastian's weekly medicated skin treatment & injection tomorrow, 7/13! It will also pay for the Rabies vaccine he will get in the next few days at a low-cost clinic. Any amount left over will help complete the cost of his upcoming procedures!

Sending you two hugs full of loving gratefulness!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wonderful Dr. Cornelia will be filling out the estimate request form from the United Animal Nations  (Red Rover)! He will fax it to them tomorrow, Thursday. I know UAN won't be able to cover the entire remainder of Sebastian's treatment plant, but anything from them will help!

By the way, these are his meds. We use Pill Pockets to administer them and he eats them like treats. We actually keep the medicine bags away from him because he has tried stealing the Pill Pockets a few times! You see that big bottle there? Tomiko, the kind woman that lent Sebastian a kennel to sleep in, also donated those senior vitamins to ensure his immune system beefs up! Thank you, Tomiko!!

Sebastian's in high spirits most of the day. He's been taking his medicine and vitamins consistently so we already see a difference in energy level and playfulness. He loves to go for a long walk!

Although you wouldn't be able to tell from the picture above, Sebastian seems to have gained a little bit of weight. You can still palpate his ribs, vertebrae, and hips, but they feel less pronounced. A good thing!  

You can really see how irritated his skin is here, especially on his arms. His hair seems somewhat full in the picture, but I assure you it's an illusion. In person, you can see the scattered growth and baldness. Yet, he acts as if he hasn't a care in the world. His positive demeanor is inspiring! :)

Sebastian adores company, love, and carresses!

"I'll be healed in no time!" :)



Your wonderful donations have allowed Sebastian's first 2 vet visits to be paid! He only has a remaining balance of $20, so now, Sebastian is allowed to continue his much needed treatment!

 The first page above is simply a summary of the work that was done on him with the cost of each procedure/medicine. The second page is the receipt of payment for his 2 vet visits (and procedures) so far. I've made little notes on the sheets to help clarify the cost and payment. Comment if you have questions and I'd be more than happy to post an answer as soon as possible! :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Please help us get as close as possible to our goal of $900.

So we far we have been blessed to receive contributions totaling $315! Wooohooo!

Please help us raise $585 more by sharing Sebastian's story! 

Picture updates and receipt images coming tomorrow after I visit Sebastian at his foster home and pay a portion of the bill at the Hollydale Veterinary Hospital! 

You're contributions have allowed for those services to be paid and for Sebastian to continue getting the care he needs. :)

I spent this weekend calling and applying for funding with many established animal organizations. Various already called and said they could not help because they were out of funds, but some are yet to call, and one other, United Animal Nations, sent me a request for verification from the vet's office-- a good sign I hope! 

I'll keep everyone posted on whether we get any assistance from these compassionate orgs! 

By the way, the reason for the date of the first shown entry being June 1, 2014 is that was the only way I could make that specific information stay at the top of the page. If anyone knows how else to make it permanently stay on top, please let me know! I'd like for all information here to be current and accurate for everyone. Thanks!

We are overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people that have donated to Sebastian's cause within the past few days! We are deeply touched by your support and are overjoyed to know that people like you exist out there! 

We want to extend infinite thanks to:

Jaime W. for your spectacular donation of $50! Thank you for supporting Sebastian as he journeys toward good health and a forever home!  If Sebastian were near you he would snuggle up to you and put his paw on your heart!

Lea S. for your bountiful donation of $20! We appreciate your loving support with every inch of our hearts! Sebastian will forever know your name in his doggy soul!

Griselda G. for your amazing donation of $60! You are a true angel and such a blessing to Sebastian! Thank you for loving Husky's the way you do and for rescuing animals in need yourself!

Erin L. for your most generous donation of $10! Thank you so much for believing in the need to save homeless animals and for supporting sweet Sebastian in his healing! An excited tail wag from Sebastian to you!

Julie K. for your bountiful donation of $20! We appreciate your kindness so much! You are a gift to Sebastian! Please imagine him looking into your eyes and saying, in his doggy whisper, "Thank you for giving me a chance. Thank you for saving my life!"

Ebru G. for your most generous donation of $10! You are a wonderful woman with the dearest soul! Thank you as well for offering to foster Sebastian in your home for a month! Sebastian will thank you in person!

Julie C. from The Pepper Foundation for collecting $35 more dollars for Sebastian's cause! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to ensure that Sebastian is on his way to health and stability! Please send our heartfelt thanks to those that donated on your end! Wishing you and your own animals in need the best!

All of you are beyond wonderful! Thank you for your compassion and understanding, thank you for loving animals and believing in beautiful Sebastian! You are making this happen for Sebastian, you are saving his life and giving him the chance he deserves!

Sending so much love to all of you!

             Julie Hernandez

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hooorayyy!! We have received 3 donations!!! :D

Thank you, Brett B., for your generous donation of $10 on July 5, 2012! Your message was:

You are very sweet for helping Sebastian. Sending good vibes your way. :) -Brett

Brett, you're even sweeter. Thank you for having a such a compassionate heart!!

Thank you, Julie Chadwick, from the Pepper Foundation for donating $100 to Sebastian's cause on July 6, 2012! Thank you also for networking Sebastian on your end so that more people could know about his plight! Everyone, he is named Magic on Julie's Facebook page site because we couldn't decide on a name on July 4th, but his official name is Sebastian as the vet bills show! Julie will notify everyone on her Facebook page that his name is is possible that she'll label him as Magic Sebastian so people don't get too confused. :) I'll post any donations Julie C.  passes on to Sebastian's cause on this site so we can all keep track of Sebastian's piggybank together! Thank you, again, Julie!

Thank you, Claudia C., for your loving donation of $10 on July 7, 2012! Thank you for believing in second chances, old dogs, and that animals are important! Sending blessings your way!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! From Sebastian & I! Receipts from the vet and all additional expenses to come for total transparency! Sending everyone much love!
Sebastian had his 1st Mitaban bath and 2nd Ivromectin shot for his mange on Thursday, 7/5. He already looks cleaner and a tad better! I am eager to see his skinny body fill out to a normal weight. Look at how small his bust and torso are...

A happier, loving Sebastian. Compare this photo to the 1st picture of Day 1 when he is in the shelter... Please keep supporting Sebastian in his recuperation! He truly is one lovely, affectionate, and deserving dog!

Sebastian immediately new that the oversized, fluffy pillow was his bed. Eventhough it probably smelled like the dog that originally owned it, Sebastian still snuggled and stretched on it like Goldilocks in the baby bear's 'juuuust riiiight' bed. :) I accidently woke him up from his nap in the picture above...

This is the afternoon before the 4th of July. He's wearing a Thunder Shirt that is supposed to keep him calm by mimicking the pressure a mother puts on her puppy's body when snuggling with him/her. He's also wearing his e-collar so he wouldn't paw off his ear bandage. He loves that bed...

Pictures of Sebastian's 1st Day Out

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sebastian was first seen on Friday, 6/29/12 in the city of Whittier, CA. It was 7:15 am and he was roaming highly-trafficked Whittier Blvd, near the freeway entrance. I followed him in my car until he got distracted with licking the concrete and smelling trash cans for food. When I approached him to bait him with some wet dog food he quickly trotted away with fear and looked at me through the corner of his eye.  I had already noticed that he was skinny, but from such a close distance I saw that he was a skeleton of a dog-- I could see his hips, spine, and ribs. He was mangey, hungry, and afraid. He was in dire need of help.

When he ran into someone's gated yard I immediately closed the gate to contain him. I snuck the bait food through the fence, but he just stared intently at it from the farthest point of the yard-- he wanted it, but he didn't know what would happen if he got close to me.

As I tried to firmly clasp the gate closed the owner of the house came out in her car; she was on her way to work. She looked at me like I was crazy, but through signals and body language I convinced her to come closer so I could talk about the mangey dog nervously roaming in her yard. She was a compassionate woman and at the end of the chat she agreed to keep Sebastian until mid-day. My initial idea was to take him to work with me, but he would have suffocated in the car with the heat (it was hot in Whittier that week), I also couldn't take him into the classroom for obvious reasons.

Animal control picked him up, but I was convinced that although he would be in there for a few days it would be better than him being on the street with no help and potentially dying of hunger or being run over. I committed myself to finding him help while he was in there.

Throughout the coming days I was in contact with the Downey Animal Shelter and contacted them numerous times a day for updates on his condition. Each time I firmly restated that I must be called as soon as he became available. DAS is known for putting animals down if the animal is sickly looking-- even if that animal has a confirmed hold on it. For this reason, I called numerous rescues, emailed all of my contacts, asked neighbors, my parents, friends, old friends, acquaintances (anyone!) whether they could take-in, foster, or adopt a stray dog in great need of help. Everyone said no.

I knew that Sebastian would become available on 7/3/12. I knew I was going to get him out that day, but I still had no idea where I would take him. I contacted an old friend, Robert, that same morning through a text that said:

Hey, Robert. Hope you're well. Can you foster a stray dog for 1 month? I'll take care of everything, you just need to provide the space. Text me as soon as you can, please.

By 10am that day Robert texted back:

Of course he can stay here :) Does he have a leash so he can be walked?

My heart jumped and my eyes teared up with joy! As soon as I was done with work I zoomed to the pound to pay the fee and get Sebastian the heck out of there. I knew he needed medical care-- he was sickly looking-- I wanted him at the vet's office by that afternoon. The visit at the pound was sad...but, the good part was that when Sebastian was handed to me on his blue and white leash he acted like we were simply taking a walk in the park. He walked out of the kennel and through that pound gate with a calmness, confidence, and trust that surprised me. It was as if he had known all along that he and I were going to meet at that hour so he could begin anew...

Within 10 minutes he was at the vet's office across the street. People stared at us, probably wondering if I had allowed my pet to get to such a horrible condition. I had to clarify to the people in the lobby that he had just been taken out of the pound. One lady told him she knew he would look great once his hair grew back. He scooted up to her in search of some petting.

After a blood panel, fecal sample, and exam, the doctor determined that there were various issues to take care of, but they were ALL treatable if the care was sought immediately. Sebastian had:

- demodectic mange (which is not contagious like sarcoptic mange)
- a high globulin level in the blood from a compromised immune system
- an infection in the ears and on the skin
- tapeworm
- a large hematoma in his left ear (it's like a blood blister that keeps growing and deforms the ear)

He was also:

- 30+ pounds underweight
-  not neutered.

He received the most immediate medical care that day and was taken to his foster home soon after. He rode perfectly in the car and even took a little nap on the comfy back seat.

Once at Robert's house he made himself at home on the doggie bed they set out for him and he munched on all his dry food. He knew he was safe so he wagged his tail and put his head on our laps as if to say thank you guys, thanks for thinking I was worth it.