Help Sebastian!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

When my parents agreed to foster Sebastian my dad's main concern was how his dog, Cleo, and his cats, Emily & Chego, would react to Sebastian-- and how he would react to them. I offered to buy a large crate for Sebastian so that he could be put in there during the time the Three Amigos used the yard. Instead of paying $200 dollars for a humane-sized crate my dad told me to buy the building materials & that he would create a large one for Sebastian.

My dad began to assemble the lattice and cut the wood beams as soon as the materials were brought over to the yard. We thought Sebastian would be scared by the commotion, yet he followed my dad back and forth from the garage to the yard! He was so interested in him and what he was doing!

Here's the kennel half way done! The dimensions are 6'x 4'-- large than the "suite" at the Petsmart pet hotel! :)

Even when the kennel was not complete, he demanded to use the space. I think he knew it was being made especially for him :) Silly Sebastian!

Here's the completed kennel! On the opposite side there is an inconspicuous door that my dad made. :)   To prevent Sebastian from knocking it over my dad reinforced the whole thing with metal rods that fastened the structure to the ground! Sebastian already goes in there on his own to hide his big cow rib and relax.

Here's Sebastian, nice & clean, in his comfy crate inside the kennel. So far, we've closed the door for 30-minutes at a time. He barks just a bit before he gives up and plops on the floor to rest. :)

The gardener will be coming by in  few days. He'll be happy to know that the big dog in the back yard has his own play pen to hang out in while the bushes are being trimmed! ;)

Thank you, dad, for being so accommodating! This is more than I asked or even wished for! You are so understanding of how important Sebastian's well being is to me and I love you for being so supportive of him...and me! I think you just earned yourself a dad of the year and foster-parent of the year medal!! Love you so much!!

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