Help Sebastian!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

 We're so happy Sebastian is adjusting well to his new foster home! His new foster family has 30 years of experience with dogs and it shows-- they're so in-tune with animal behavior. Sebastian is getting much love and attention, too. :)

In the background you can see 2 of Sebastian's new house mates. Zoe, the caramel colored sweetheart sitting back, is whose approval we're waiting for. She's made great strides, but she still isn't totally sure about Sebastian. She'll come around soon enough, though, as Sebastian is irresistible!

 Sniffing the premises for messages, names, and treasures (a.k.a. treat remnants)!


    Huskies naturally like being with other dogs. I think Sebastian feels like an important, instinctual need of his is being met-- that of being with a pack. I'm glad sweet Sebastian has doggy playmates to spend some time with for the next 1 - 1.5 months or so. :)

I'll keep you posted on his progress! :D



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