Help Sebastian!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy Sebastian!

 Sebastian really looks like a new dog!
His coat looks so much healthier, the large bald areas he had have new hair on them, and he has gained some weight. Look at him here!


He's been in the best of spirits, especially now that it has been only 80-some degrees instead of in the high 90s!


Because I've been incredibly busy with work I've been walking Sebastian every other day sometimes. I try to visit him daily, but on the days I cannot go I've been depending on Cleo, my parents' dog, to provide Sebastian with sufficientexercise. Every day, either in the morning or near evening, Cleo gets these spurts of energy (like in the video) and she gets Sebastian to chase her all over the yard. On days that Sebastian has not been walked, he runs quickly behind Cleo and exerts as much energy as he would with a walk/jog around the neighborhood. Thank you, Cleo! :)

I love these two pics! Above is classic Sebastian-- always wanting to give & receive love! I love his paws!

Sending hugs and kisses to all of you!

Yours Truly,

Sebastian & Julie

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