Help Sebastian!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

We have received a number of new donations. Various are from the wonderful people at StudyPoint-- the best tutoring company in the entire US! :D

Thank you, Amanda M., for your kindest contribution of $25!! Your amazing generosity is appreciated from the bottom of our hearts and the amount you shared will be used towards Sebastian's neutering next week. You have brought us so much closer to our base goal for Sebastian and I cannot thank you enough for that! You are simply wonderful!! Thank you & may a plethora of blessings befall on you for your kindess!! We appreciate you so much!

Thank you, Jessica L., for your generous donation of $10!! You cannot believe how helpful your donation is. $10 is what has added up so many times to complete the hundred dollar mark. Your contribution helped us get beyond the $800 mark and we thank you so very much for that. May your kindness be reflected back to you in multiplied abundance!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you, Greg Z. for gracing Sebastian with a $50 contribution!! My jaw dropped when I saw your figure come up in Sebastian's account! That will cover the antibiotics, the pain medicine, and a portion of the IV fluids Sebastian will need for his neutering next week. Thank you for helping sweet Sebastian heal and for sharing your kindness with us. We deeply value your compassion and goodwill! You are fanstastic-- and you run the best tutoring company ever! ;)

Thank you Richard L. for your  wonderful gift of $20!! Your donation was given to me 2-3 weeks ago, but I did not receive your name until yesterday. So, as much as I wanted to account for your generosity I couldn't do it until I knew who to thank!! Thank you deeply for helping Sebastian since the get-go! Thank you for believing in his plight and for keeping his hope and mine alive with your support! You are so appreciated! May your kindness be reciprocated when you also need it most!!

And, last, but not least, thank you, Beta, Woolerz, and Sandy Starchild, for your THIRD contribution of $20!! You three make our heart smile! If we were across the country in Pennsylvania Sebastian and I would inundate you in thank yous and he'd probably topple you to the floor with kisses! Your comment on the PayPal message was sweetly hilarious-- we have the same sense of humor! Are you children's book writers? If not, you should consider it. Your comment made us imagine a fantastically fun journey a child and a magical dog would take through the sky! ;) Thank you for supporting Sebastian. Thank you following his progress and thank you for sharing your joy & generosity with us! We are deeply appreciative and send you the warmest wishes! :D

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