Help Sebastian!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So far, Sebastian has had 5 visits to the vet. He's schedule to have another visit this Saturday, 8/4, for his 5th Mitaban bath & Ivromectin injection, plus a skin scraping! 

The vet will scrape a few places on his body to see if his non-contagious mange is still present. If it is, then we'll do 1 - 3 more sets of baths & injections, another skin scraping in 2-3 weeks, plus some maintenance work. 

If no mange is present then we'll  just do the maintenance treatment (topical ointment 1x p/month), & we  can do the neutering in 3ish weeks. Will that his skin is clear & his ear hematoma stays put! 

By the way, we put sunscreen on Sebastian's bald spot today! :D It was nicely hydrated & it even glistened in the sun! Heeheee ;D It'll be part of Sebastian's daily regimen now since it's been so bright & hot out here & he could get a sunburn! 

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