Help Sebastian!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Receipts for Sebastian's 3rd, 4th, & 5th visit to the vet . Total for those 3 visits = $245. Please let me know if you have any questions! Also, sorry for the wrinkled receipts... Beautiful Sebastian laid and stepped on them in the car!

July 14, 2012~ Second Mitaban bath & Ivromectin injection=$75

July 21, 2012~ Third Mitaban bath & Ivromectin injection= $75. Paid outstanding balance of $20 as well. Total= $95

July 28, 2012~ Fourth Mitaban bath & Ivromectin injection= $75

We have more receipts for his wet & dry food, bowls, Pill Pockets, treats, biscuits, chew bones/hides/bars, Thunder Jacket, leash, collar, wet food, Rescue Remedy, fur wipes-- all the things that a wonderful pets need. However, I will not post those up as I feel those are not relevant. Your amazing contributions are only be used for Sebastian's medical care. If you do want to see those receipts though, I can definitely post them. Just comment that you want to see them.

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