Help Sebastian!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

We're back!!

Hello, everyone!!!!

     I am so glad to have the time to sit down and update each of you dear beings about Sebastian!!! I've been working 7 days a week for the past 5 weeks and am immensely relieved that, like a normal person, I now have the weekend off. I apologize GREATLY for being out of touch with you...!! I sincerely hope that you understand.... Please rest assured that Sebastian has still been well taken care of during this time!

    I have been seeing Sebastian at least 4 x per week. He is still at my parents' home and he's definitely ready for adoption! My parents have grown deeply attached to him and Sebastian has also fallen completely in love with them. Today, both my parents were telling me that they will certain cry when Sebastian moves to his permanent home because he has won their heart with his sweetness and gratefulness...
     As I had mentioned in the last blog I posted, Sebastian's skin issue is completely gone. He has also reached his normal weight! Tomorrow, I'll be exchanging all of his food for senior food-- he's been eating adult and puppy food this whole time to gain some meat on his bones.


As he's gained weight and his hair has been growing we've realized that he has so much black fur on him! His face is also beautifully framed and he has a voluminous puff of hair around his necl and upper back. I'll update more pictures so you can see what I'm talking about! :)

This Friday, I'll likely take the day off so I can take Sebastian to one of his last vet appointments. One of the things I will ask the vet to do is to reassess his age. Now that Sebastian is at his intended weight, is properly fed, exercised, and has all of his needs met, he has much more energy than a 9 - 10 year old dog. He runs happily when I take him out and he leaps beautifully in the air-- like a deer or a canine ballerina! :) I'm estimating that he is 7.5 years old, but again, I am not a vet so I need a professional's opinion. I'll keep you posted.

Peek-a- boo!

Now he looks like a real Husky!

 Tomorrow,  I will have a slightly shorter work schedule (thank God!) and I'm planning to do a series of before and after photos so we can all track how far Sebastian has come. I'll leave you with this before and after set in the meantime!




Thank you all so much for all of your support!
Without your care, love, and generosity, Sebastian wouldn't
have been able to make it this far. All of you are Sebastian's angels and YOU
have allowed him to blossom once more!

Thank you!

Sending you all of our love!

Sebastian & Julie

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