Help Sebastian!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sebastian's Training Session

Hello, everyone!!! :)

Getting the before and after picture series together is taking a little longer than I thought! All of the before pictures are organized, I just want to have them all paralleled with photos that show Sebastian's most current state. I'll be taking more of those photos on Thursday when I see Sebastian again and I'll update the pics within the next few days. I'll likely have to post them in chunks as I get the after pictures settled. Hope you understand!

Today's pictures document one of Sebastian's training sessions. :) It's the most curious thing how he cannot keep his balance on the waxed floors at the Petsmart he we go to for his classes. He slips and slides all over the place and I can't help laughing while simultaneously feeling bad for the poor guy! He looks like one would walking on an ice rink without ice skates! Sebastian's trainer, Dominique realized  he needed traction so Petsmart donated a brand new set of booties with a gummy sole to help with the issue.

This is Dominique and my father putting the booties on Sebastian. Sebastian found a little spot to lay in and he was great about letting them cover his paws with the blue booties....

It took quite a while to get them on straight because they're quite snug and the sole kept shifting this way and that....

You can see the peculiar position of the sole here! His hind leg looks backward if you look at the bootie! Sebastian, he was so permissive and didn't even complain!

After we all finally tugged and fastened the booties as best we could, Sebastian gave the them a go. He walked as if through a swamp-- using slow, large, exaggerated steps!  The feeling of shoes was foreign to him. We sympathized throughout his tryout, but there was also a great sense of humor amongst the staff, ourselves, and the customers that happened to pass by...everyone was laughing, but commenting on what a sweet and great sport he was!

We didn't get too far before various adjustments were needed because the bootie soles kept moving around.

I told them to take the booties off. They weren't doing Sebastian any good and our training time was ticking! So they took us into a private room with a textured floor and--voila!--Sebastian was able to walk again! :)

In the end, Sebastian got his training session and he was allowed to keep the booties as a token of good sportsmanship! :) Thanks, Dominique! Great job, Sebastian!! :D


  1. Check out the hair between Sebastian's pads. My Husky Sandy has problems walking on smooth surfaces, the hair between her pads is quite long and actually covers the sandpapery pad.

    I cut it regularly with a little scissors. She hates the process, but it does help her to maintain traction. Beta

    1. Hi, Beta! You were right! Sebastian does have long hair between his paws that curve over the pads...and he doesn't really like it to be touched much on his hind legs. I'm trimming it little by little-- as I can get a snip in. Sebastian will be on slippery floor on Friday or Saturday of this week. I should have the hair fully cut by then. I'll let you know if he has better traction. Thank you so much for the tip!!

  2. Funny video: dog with new booties

    from Beta
