Help Sebastian!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sebastian's Vet Visit

Hello, dearest Sebastianites! :)

Sebastian went to the vet on Thursday of this week and got great news from the vet!


First of all, his age was reassessed and the vet estimates that Sebastian is really between 5 and 7 years old! YAY! :D Based on how clean Sebastian's molars are, how high his energy is, how nice is gait is, and his recuperation rate the vet estimates he's 6 years old. I was overjoyed to hear this because we met 2 people somewhat interested in him one month ago, but they said that he was too old (when we thought he was 10 y/o). Maybe they'll be interested in him now!!

Second, Sebastian is finally 65 pounds! The vet originally wanted him to get to the mid to low 70s, but Sebastian seems to be at his ideal weight now. The vet said it's fine if Sebastian gains a few more pounds, but not much more because he's perfect as he is. I'm supposed to feed him 1.5 cups of dry food and 3/4 of a can of adult wet daily now instead of 2.25 cups of dry and 1 can of wet puppy food. :)

Third, Sebastian's hematoma has not returned!! :D The vet taught me how to clean Sebastian's ears and gave me a special fluid to do so at home. He said dogs ears are most often neglected and, because Sebastian had such a bad ear infection before, it would be a great idea to routinely clean his ears. He also said that if I see him scratching his ear I need to put his cone on him immediately to prevent any blood vessels from bursting and refilling the hematoma.

Fourth, Sebastian's legs and hips were palpated and observed. The stiff walk the vet noticed before was no longer there. Now that Sebastian is healthy, at weight, and stronger, his legs and back are fit enough to walk normally. The vet suspected he was arthritic before--and only x-rays can truly determine that--but as of now, Sebastian is walking, jumping, running, and prancing like a well-adjusted, healthy 6-year old doggie. ;)

Fifth, Sebastian is 100% ready for neutering. This week we've noticed his libido...which is something he would never do before. The vet said that now that Sebastian is healthy, all of his systems are awake again! Now that his skin issue has been fully controlled we are safe to neuter without a big risk of the demodex returning again. I'll let you know what the appointment date is for him this week. It will likely be on Friday or Saturday, though...

So, everyone, our pup is doing superbly and still has more wonderful progress to make! He's such a beautiful dog-- full of affection, energy, love, and a great sense of gratitude. Sebastian is indeed ready for a loving home that is gentle, active, patient, and, of course, super loving. :)

Hooray for Sebastian!!!! Hooray for his angels (YOU!) for making this happen!!!!

Sending each of you our warmest, sweetest love!!

Sebastian & Julie

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