Help Sebastian!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hello, dearest Sebastianites!

I'm so glad to have the time to write and update you on how our collective love, Sebastian, is doing! :) 

First and foremost, he's received a new $20 donation from our celestial & most constant supporters: Beta, Woolerz, and Sandy Starchild!!!

Their message was this:

Wow! Sebastian is beginning to look as though he may be a woolly. Love those luscious ears. Your idea of children's books was interesting. I'm no artist, but if you could find one . . .a series called something like "Sebastian's Magic Ears" . . . I see sort of pastel, light sketching of the background, with a photo/sketch combo figure of Sebastian in the foreground. A series of 6 or 8 little books, where Sebastian is going about the everyday activities of doggie life, encounters some sort of challenge, and his ears have some sort of magical properties which resolve the crisis at the end. Could sell to raise money for rescue. Love the photos of him in his training class, it must be wonderful for him to have these opportunities to succeed. Lots of love from Sandy, Woolerz, and Beta.

Thank you, Sandy, Woolerz, and Beta!!! You're $20 were used on Saturday toward Sebastian's antihistamines & maintenance mange medication. The mange med is actually a newer flea med which also has the active ingredient in the Mitaban bath he gets every week. Therefore, it serves as a "maintenance" med to ensure that the demodectic mange stays at bay long enough for it to no longer return. We'll keep applying that once monthly until we're sure he's in the clear. Thank you soooo much for helping us with that!!!

Second, regarding finding the artist for the book: Starchildren, I'm a trained artist! Are any of you writers or editors? :) As soon as I read your message a short children's story began to develop! It's about a sweet husky named Sebastian that can fly because his heart is so light with love that when he wags his tail and wiggles his ears with joy he propels himself into the sky! He goes on a jaunt & soon helps out a person and a furry friend by bringing them love & safety in the end. I've drafted the whole thing and am in the process of formalizing it! I'd love to share it with you and with everyone on the site as soon as it's more structured. :) I'd love if Sebastian could be funded by these stories! Great idea!! :D

Third, Sebastian is at the tail end of his mange treatment!!! He is nearly ready to go to a forever home as soon as we find one! He still hasn't gotten neutered--partially due to the heat wave we've had and also because the neutering could stress him out and bring back the mange. After all the hard work we've all done--all of you included--to get Sebastian's skin condition under control, I feel we should give him a few weeks to be stress free before the neutering takes place. This way, we can better ensure his hair won't start falling off again! :)

I leave you with a few pics of beloved Sebastian to bring a little smile to your face. Thank you everyone for your support, your donations, and for your care!

We send you the greatest love!

Yours truly,

Sebastian & Julie